Vi får hele tiden inn tilbud fra leverandører om super-duper-tøffe figurer. Denne gangen ønsker vi å kaste et lys på Star Wars figurer fra Sideshow Collectibles. Firmaet lager så utrolig flotte og detaljerte figurer av svært høy standard. Derav også prisene. Men det er absolutt verdt det om du samler på slike figurer. Disse figurene er ofte hådmalte/håndsydde og kommer i flotte positurer med ekstrautstyr som hjelmer, hender og våpen slik at du kan bytte ut etter eget ønske.
Under viser vi frem tre figurer;
2598,- |
Proving himself one of the best hotshot X-wing pilots in the galaxy at the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker has come a long way since bulls-eyeing womp rats on his home planet of Tatooine. Featuring a remarkable portrait of Mark Hamill as the Rebel hero, Luke is ready to go full throttle in his authentically recreated flight suit and harness, removable helmet, visor and comlink. From the Death Star to the Dagobah System, Red Five is standing by to set course and bring a new hope to the Rebel Alliance. May the Force be with him!
2398,- |
Emblazoned with stark white Imperial insignia, the pilot wears his unmistakable streamlined helmet, and glossy black armor fitted over a pristine standard-issue flight suit. Interchangeable wrist gauntlets allow dexterity for handling TIE Fighter controls, and positive gravity pressure boots keep him grounded in all situations. Ready to serve the Galactic Empire with honor and distinction, the Imperial TIE Fighter pilot is an exceptional addition to any Star Wars military collection!
4998,- |
One of the first new characters to be designed for The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett originally began as a super trooper, with a striking aesthetic inspired primarily by Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers. As McQuarrie worked closely alongside Star Wars Art Director Joe Johnston, the character evolved into the ruthless Mandalorian bounty hunter we know today. Capturing the spirit of these early explorations, Fett appears in his original all-white armor, leaping into action over a base inspired by the Slave I. Reviewing a broad spectrum of McQuarrie's imaginative designs for Boba Fett, Sideshow's artists have translated his iconic artwork in a brilliant homage to a Star Wars that is both familiar, yet never was.
Product Size: 47 x 30 x 28 cm
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